What’s the tallest peak you’re aiming for? While this photo actually comes from the tallest physical mountain peak in the lower 48 states, the question aims to uncover your “peak” or the major goal you’re aiming to reach.
Goal setting has reached a dismal state in my mind, where many people talk about making SMART goals, yet few receive guidance on how to actually implement those goals smartly.
Over the last decade, I developed and tested a new system. I used it to become successful in my career, finances, education, and family life. Not just a little bit successful, but a lot successful.
We’re talking 10x improvements over where I used to be. It’s also the same system I used to become a ‘successful’ mountaineer, if you consider my challenge this last year to be a measure of success. What did I do?
Three weeks back-to-back-to-back I climbed the tallest peak Mount Whitney, went off on a first-of-season summit run on Mount Rainier, and finished with the Yosemite half marathon + 14 mile hike. Not only that, I created a social media campaign and my team fundraised over $2000 to support communities impacted by COVID.